
Linkables are elements of the game which have the ability to be linked to a TARDIS.

Those can be items, blocks, entities (& more if you implement it yourself).


To make your item linkable just extend the LinkableItem class, then use one of the static methods it provides to get the tardis instance.


Since blocks cannot contain NBT data on their own, it is impossible to save the TARDIS id the block belongs to in the block itself.

Therefore, this only works if your block has a block entity.

Make your block entity class extend the LinkableBlockEntity class.

The base LinkableBlockEntity class will not link on it’s own, to forcefully link it use one of the #link method it provides.

To make it easier, we’ve also made an InteriorLinkableBlockEntity which will automatically link to the interior it gets placed in.

If you already save or read some NBT data in your block entity, make sure that the overriden #readNbt and #writeNbt methods also call their super variant (e.g. super.readNbt(whatever);). Otherwise, the code that is responsible for saving and reading the link data will not execute.